What is Sound Healing?

The Science

What is frequency? Everything vibrates at a certain level. People, plants, rocks, emotions, thoughts, colors….everything! Some things and people have low vibrations and some have higher vibrations.

Crystal bowls are pure tones and vibrate at the highest frequency. They are able to match the crystalline structures that exist within the human body such as our DNA, blood, fascia (specifically collagen) and brain making sound bowls the perfect tuning instrument for our body. Due to the law of resonance and the pure high vibrational frequency of the bowls, the bowls’ frequency will always be dominant and have the ability to entrain and raise ours.

The law of resonance: When 2 similar energetic systems encounter each other, they will come into a state of harmonics. However, more specifically, the definition of resonance in physics is when the frequency of an external oscillation or vibration matches an object’s (or cavity’s) natural frequency, and as a result either causes it to vibrate or increases its amplitude of oscillation.

Studies have shown that sound can move us through the various stages of our brain waves at a much faster rate than meditation. You can go from Beta (our everyday, analytical chatter of the mind) to Theta (a deep meditative state) within as little as 30 seconds. 

Click here to see the brain waves chart.

Sound (specifically the pure tones of crystal bowls) can also stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system which is our “rest and digest” nervous system. This is also the space where love, vulnerability, and expansion reside giving you the ability to relax and go into a meditative state. Sound also can produce changes in our autonomic system, endocrine system, immune system, neuropeptides, and                                                                                                               glandular system.

The Woo Woo

It is believed that crystals have the ability to store, transmit and amplify energy and information. Since my Alchemy bowls are made of                                             these materials, it is believed they carry their own wisdom and when played, shared with us.

Alchemy bowls are made of precious gems (crystals), stones and metals. The frequency of the bowls travel through the body and know where to heal imbalances. When we receive the sound of crystal bowls, we are entrained by them to operate at a higher frequency as                                                                                            they are dominant and always will be.

My Purpose

My purpose with sound healing is to bring your mind and body to a point of stillness allowing the ancient wisdom of your inner                                                                                                                         divine to communicate.


Meet My Bowls

My Alchemy bowl set is an Endocrine set. Each bowl is a sharp note which works to balance the gladular system in the body as well as the Chakras surrounding them. Each bowl was chosen separately and has a specific note, material, and function you can read about                                                                                                                         below.                                                                                                                                                                                                          

                                                                        Hover over each bowl to learn about it’s unique offerings